Geng Yang

Geng is a Ph.D student in the School of Communication Engineering at Xidian University in China, supervised with Prof. Yunsong Li and Prof. Jie Lei. She expects to graduate in Dec. 2024.

Her research focuses on algorithm-hardware co-design for DNN architecture and high-performance FPGA-based hardware acceleration. Over the past three years, she has been dedicated to the development of an end-to-end DNN model inference acceleration system that integrates hardware-friendly model pruning and quantization, and FPGA-based hardware architecture. She has actively participated in one National Natural Science Foundation of China and two large national projects under related topics. Geng’s work has been published in high-impact journals and references such as TRETS, TGRS, JSTAR, FPL, etc. In recent months, she has been collaborating with Professor Zhenman Fang from Simon Fraser University on the hardware acceleration of larger and more complex DNN-Stable Diffsion inference.

Geng's Email: gengyang [at]

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Research Interests
  • FPGA-based Edge/Large Model Inference Acceleration

  • Algorithm-Hardware Co-design and Automation

Selected Publications

Full publication list

SDA SDA: Low-Bit Stable Diffusion Acceleration on Edge FPGAs
G. Yang, Y. Xie, Z. Xue, S. Chang, Y. Li, P. Dong, J. Lei, W. Xie, Y. Wang, X. Lin, Z. Fang
[FPL2024(Acceptance Rate: 22.8%, 29 out of 127)] Paper/ Code
SA4 SA4: A Comprehensive Analysis and Optimization of Systolic Array Architecture for 4-bit Convolutions
G. Yang, J. Lei, Z. Fang, J.Q. Zhang, J.R. Zhang, W. Xie,Y. Li
[FPL2024(Acceptance Rate: 22.8%, 29 out of 127)] Paper/ Code
MIViT Multimodal Informative ViT: Information Aggregation and Distribution for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification
J. Zhang, J. Lei, W. Xie, G. Yang, Y. Li
[TCSVT 2024] Paper
HyBNN HyBNN: Quantifying and Optimizing Hardware Efficiency of Binary Neural Networks
G. Yang, J. Lei, Z. Fang, Y. Li, J. Wang, W. Xie
[TRETS 2023] [FPT 2023 Journal Track] Paper/ FPT 2023 Oral report
GHOST Guided Hybrid Quantization for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery via One-to-one Self-teaching
J. Zhang, J. Lei, W. Xie, Y. Li, G. Yang, X. Jia
[TGRS 2023] Paper
OSCAR-RT Algorithm/hardware Codesign for Real-time On-satellite CNN-based Ship Detection in SAR Imagery
G. Yang, J. Lei, W. Xie, Z. Fang, Y. Li, J. Wang, X. Zhang
[TGRS 2022] Paper/ Code
Fast-MGD A Low-complexity Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm and its FPGA Implementation
J. Lei, G. Yang, W. Xie, Y. Li, X. Jia
[JSTAR 2022] Paper / Code / Excellent Oral report in the 6th National Imaging Spectroscopic Earth Observation Symposium
R_GAN Rank-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Band Selection
X. Zhang, W. Xie, Y. Li, J. Lei, Q, Du, G. Yang
[TGRS 2022] Paper
Conference Abstracts
  • E4SA: An Ultra-Efficient Systolic Array Architecture for 4-Bit Convolutional Neural Networks, G. Yang, J. Lei, Z. Fang, J. Zhang, J. R. Zhang, W. Xie, Y. Li (FPGA 2024 poster)

  • HyBNN: Quantifying and Optimizing Hardware Efficiency of Binary Neural Networks, G. Yang, J. Lei, Z. Fang, Y. Li, J. Wang, W. Xie (FCCM 2023 poster)

  • Object Detection Based on Feature Fusion with Masked Networks for SAR Imagery, J. Lei, Y. Guo, G. Yang, W. Xie, Y. Li. (CN202211567684.4 on Octoer 8, 2022)

  • Object Detection Joint Pruning and Quantization for SAR Imagery, J. Lei, J. Wang, G. Yang, W. Xie, Y. Li. (CN202111488427.7 on December 8, 2021)

  • FPGA-based Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection System, 2021, J. Lei, G. Yang, M. Zhang, W. Xie, Y. Li, T. Jiang, K. Liu, L. Gao. (CN202110484719.7 on April 30, 2021)

Contest Award
Rocky Our team supervised by Prof. Jie Lie won the second prize in the national system contest and received ¥3,690,000 project funding.
This contest focuses on DNN model inference on a cloud FPGA system. Geng Yang is student leader.
SATIPIC Our team supervised by Prof. Weiying Xie won the third prize in the national competition and received ¥950,000 project funding.
This contest focuses on DNN model inference on an embedded FPGA system. Geng Yang is student leader.
Honors and Awards
  • Innovation Fund of Xidian University in 2022,2023
  • GuoRui Scholarship of the 14th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation in 2021,2022
  • Second Scholarship of Xidian University in 2020,2021,2022,2023
  • Collaboration-Innovation Scholarship of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and Xidian University in 2020
  • Outstanding Graduate Student of Xidian University in 2019
Professional Services
  • Conference Secondary Reviewer
    • FPL'24
    • FPGA'24
    • DAC'23, 24
    • DATE'24
FPGA Acceleration Demo
  • CNN-based Ship Detection in SAR imagery

    This is a demo presentation for Paper:Algorithm/hardware codesign for real-time on-satellite CNN-based ship detection in SAR imagery.

    Thanks to the laboratory partners who worked together to finish this topic!

Last updated on 12/2023 EDT.
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